Biophoton research in blood
Biophoton research in blood reveals its holistic properties
V.L. Voeikov*#, R. Asfaramov,* E.V. Bouravleva*, C.N. Novikov*, N.D. Vilenskaya*.
#International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, FRG, *Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Analysis with GDV of Effects on Water in Different Containers
Analysis with Gas Discharge Visualization of the Possible Effects on Water in Different Containers
Abella A1, Amorós A1, González M1*, del Corral A1 i Peña J1
ELISAVA, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, La Rambla 30-32, 08002, Barcelona, Spain.
Keywords: water; Gas Discharge Visualization; electrode; vortex; structure.
Korotkov’s images
Korotkov’s images – BEO gram, GDV images, EPI images, Bio-Well images, etc Korotkov’s images – Kirlian images downloaded and processed on GDV Software Digital Kirlian Photography Korotkov image is a complex 2-D figure with each pixel characterized by its brightness coded by integer in the range of 0 (“black”) to 255 (“white”). Geometrical parameters of … Read more
Bio-Well Medical Review
Bio-Well Medical Review
Dear Friends, Bio-Well device is not Medical or Scientific instrument. It is not accepted, even in Russia.
Система динамического анализа комплексных параметров среды
Система динамического анализа комплексных параметров среды обитания и изменений психоэмоционального состояния человека
Журнал Формирующихся Направлений Науки
Association of Unconventional Science, 2014
К.Г. Коротков 1, Д.В. Орлов 1
Орлов Д.В.1,2, Коротков К.Г. 1,2, Гатчин Ю.А. 1, Сухостат В.В. 1, Гришенцев А.Ю. 1