Analysis of reproducibility GDV Technique

Analysis of systematic errors and data reproducibility of the GDV Technique.

Alexandrova R.A., Fedoseev G.B., Philippova N.A., Krizanovsky E.V., Zajcev S.V., Magidov M.Y., Potapkin V.D.

Analysis of systematic errors, a character of statistic distribution and reproducibility of results is essential for the application of any method. The errors in the GDV technique are attributed to the following factors:

Stochastic character of a forming discharge;

Errors in measuring and processing;

Polluted surface of the optical glass of the device;

Fluctuations of external environment;

Variability of the tested object and alteration of its properties under the influence of measurements.

To analyze these factors statistic parameters of the following objects were studied:

  • Metal grounded cylinder of titanium with the 15 mm diameter and 30 mm high.
  • Samples of distilled water;
  • Samples of chemically pure salt solutions;
  • Fingers of relatively healthy and sick patients at various moments of time.

The investigation was carried out on the GDV Camera device using GDV Software. Glow area, fractality coefficient and form coefficient were calculated for each GDV-gram. Before any other set of the experiments the glass surface was dried with alcohol. Each set, except for some specially studied, included 10 successive measurements.

Metal cylinder

To study systematic errors, the influence of a day period and environmental conditions (atmospheric pressure, humidity and etc.) the following experiments were run:

  1. two sets of the experiments on different days with the similar environmental conditions (T=22 C, moisture – 42%). Each set included 52 selections.
  2. Three sets of the experiments with a 5 – minute interval;
  3. Three sets of the experiments with an hour interval.

The analysis of the data obtained demonstrated, that on the first and second days the selections on the observed parameters referred to the aggregate with normal distribution.

In all the cases the average value almost coincided with the median. The median was located approximately between the 25 and 75 percentile. Moreover, 95% – 99% of values were located within two standard deviations from the average values. This allowed comparison of the data using Student’s t-criteria. The assumption, that the difference between the values of the certain measurements was stochastic, was taken for the “null hypothesis”. The criteria of proportion was taken for 5%.

According to the Table 1, the difference in the data obtained on different days is statistically insufficient. Thus, the “null hypothesis” is regarded unfair. With the sufficient number of selections the differences – sensitivity – can be found with probability below 8%. The comparison of quite a large amount of the data obtained in different time revealed, that stochastic errors of measurements for form coefficients and fractality coefficients don’t exceed 10%, the errors of the glow area are not over 8%.

Thus, the GDV-gram parameters of a metal object meet the normal distribution with the level of systematic errors below 8-10%.

Distilled water and salt solutions

The analysis of more than 3600 GDV-grams of liquid objects demonstrated, that the parameters of their GDV-grams have normal distribution. Relative deviations of their parameters vary from 1% to 8%, depending on a parameter, salt and concentration. The deviations are minimum for form coefficient of distilled water (about 1%) and maximum for solutions of electrolytes of high concentrations (about 7-8%).

In such an investigation the sensitivity of the statistic criteria depending on the difference of the average, their standard deviations and a number of selections when planing above 60% should include at least 40 selections for each concentration.

At the same time, it was demonstrated, that during meaurements the parameters of GDV-grams vary under the influence of electromagnetic field (EMF) on liquid. This can be interpreted as the change of liquid properties under the influence of impulse EMF. These changes are statistically important. For instance, form coefficient F of distilled water grows from 1.32 at the first measurement up to 1.42 at the fifth measurement with the standard deviation of 1%. After the 7-8th measurement the tendency of F to grow up is preserved. However, the standard deviation sharply increases up to 3-4%. For the salt solutions the influence of the measuring process is stronger: after 7-8 measurements the standard deviation grows from 3-4% up to 10-12%.

Despite statistically important differences between GDV-grams of liquid and their 5-time ionized analogies (under ionization we presuppose the EMF influence when measuring liquids), the intervals of difference are lower than the standard deviations from the average values. Thus, a 5-time shooting of one drop is reasonable. With higher ionization the intervals of difference increase and, in some cases, can come close to the standard deviations of the given solutions.

A large number of selections for the statistic analysis can be obtained with successive measurements of one and the same liquid. A selection of 40 values can contain data of 8 successive measurements 5 shootings each.

Concentrations of 0,0001 g-eqv/l should be used only with non-ionized drops, as starting with this value the standard deviations of solutions are similar to the standard deviations of distilled water and intervals of difference.

On the other side, analogous data enable application of the GDV technique for the registration of the EMF influence on liquids, taking into account the influence of the measuring process itself.

Statistically important differences between GDV-grams of distilled water and salt solutions: NaCl, KCl, NaNO3, KNO3 even with a small number of selections with sensitivity 1 and concentration up to 1*10-6 g-eqv/l were revealed.

Fingers of relatively healthy and sick patients

Scientific background and objectivity of any method are connected with the studied object, natural laws (5). Today the integral energy homeokinesis is treated from the point of electric and energy-informational processes of interaction. Electrical processes in bio-objects were studied primarily. The first ion concept of biopotentials origin was proposed by Dr.Chagovez, a prominent Russian physiologist. He concentrated on the close connection of metabolic processes with electrogenesis in the organism (2) The concept of subtle photon emission of biological systems, a single field theory, was found by Gurvich A.G., who studied mytogenetic radiation of plant cells (7). The role of gas discharge emission in the organism functional state management was proved (1, 7). Years of studying clinic informativity of GDV technique revealed variability of a GDV-gram within 24 hours both among sick and healthy people, which is conditioned by the high sensitivity of the technique to the altered states of the tested subjects under the influence of diverse factors (anxiousness, overtension, food, medicine, physical loading and etc.).

Taking into account the requirements to the human state investigation – high reproducibility of results – it was essential to study the recurrence of values of the GDV-gram parameters. For that practically healthy people and asthmatic patients were tested dynamically.

Using the “GDV Camera” device we tested 38 healthy people and 20 asthmatic patients with a 10-minute interval, 20 practically healthy and 20 asthmatic patients with a day interval and 22 sick people within a day: at 9 a.m., 1, 5, 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. next day. GDV-graphy was preceded by the psychological test according to Lusher (6), applying special Software which enabled to reveal factors of varied color choice and instability in the values of the vegetative index at the first, repeated analysis and their average values. Psychological test according to Lusher (6) was applied both for the investigation of the influence of altered mental states on the change of GDV characteristics and as distracting means, allowing maximum standardization of the mental state at the first and repeated measurements. Taking into account the rhythmical character of all the processes of human activity and considerable role of ventilation obstructions in the functional status of asthmatic patients, 22 patients were examined on the pick speed of exhalation by the pickflowmetery method. The measurements were taken practically synchronically with the GDV-grams registration: at 9 a.m., 1, 5, 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. next day.

The experiments at the definite time, avoiding occasional tension (mental, physical, food and etc.) revealed, that among the healthy people the average daily and 10-minute oscillation amplitude of GDV-parameters constituted 4.1% and 6.6%. Among the asthmatic patients – 8.6% and 7.7% correspondingly. Both among the healthy and asthmatic patients there were persons with marked liability of mental status and vegetative instability. Their GDV-grams had the strongest variations – up to 18% (relatively to the average daily value). The data represented in the table 1 and above revealed correlations of GDV gram values with the mental and vegetative status and the principle parameters of gemodynamics, regulated by the vegetative nervous system (1,9). It allows recommendation of a synchronic dynamic investigation of the vegetative index among the patients with a marked variability of the GDV-gram parameters.

Table 1. Testing according to Lusher among the healthy people and asthmatic patients with marked changes of GDV-grams in dynamics with the 10-minute interval registration.

Indices of testing according to LusherChange of area >10%             n=4change of area <10% n=25
Factor of choice variability with a repeated testing p<0.0523%15%
Vegetative index at the primary testing p<0.050.375– 0.113
Vegetative index at the repeated testing p<0.05– 0.353– 0.027
Average indices p<0.05– 0.371– 0.062

The frequency range of the pick exhalation speed among the examined asthmatic patients constituted 27% of the average daily value. According to the literary data, the normal deviations of the values of bronchi capacity for a definite period among the sick is considerably higher than among healthy people and goes over 20% (8).

Taking into account the system character of electrogenisis mechanisms in the organism, the synchronicity and connections of changes of various bio-electrical characteristics (interval periods RR and PQ ECG, of the EEG type and GDV-gram parameters) (9), its appropriate to represent literary data on variability of parameters of the most thoroughly studied method of estimation of electrical activity – ECG. Thus, the pulse frequency   of sinusoid rhythm of a healthy person depending on the physical loading is about 33 – 180 strokes per minute (3). It was revealed that the variability of pulse among healthy children according to the data of ECG holter monitoring is a sum parameter of the level of extra cardiac vegetative influences on the Heart and functional state of the sinusoid knot. Thus, both literary sources and results of the investigations prove importance of the vegetative nervous system in the mechanisms of the system regulation of human energy-informational and functional activity.

We have come to the conclusion on the good reproducibility of the GDV-gram parameters among the majority of the tested healthy people and asthmatic patients (85% of cases). The marked variability of the GDV-gram parameters both among the healthy and asthmatic patients was connected with vegetative unstableness of the tested. Considering high sensitivity of the technique to the altered mental states of patients, we recommend to follow the rules:

  1. a patients should be examined in the morning before breakfast, medicines excluded;
  2. dynamic registration of GDV-grams should be carried out with a constant doctor in one room with constant optimal temperature, humidity, air gas content;
  3. psychological and physical comfort is essential. Occasional tension should be avoided (mental, physical, smoking, alcohol and etc.);
  4. the device should be tested regularly using the calibration object.

Estimating people in a stable psychophysiological state, the GDV-gram parameters are reproduced with the 5-15% precision.


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