Acupuncture Treatment and GDV Bioelectrography
Interesting research on the evaluation of the effects of acupuncture treatment was done under supervision of Dr. Norm Shealy and Dr Willam Tiller [Rizzo-Roberts, 2004]. In this study, 33 randomly chosen, clinically healthy subjects were utilized in a self control fashion. Data from MSA-21 and GDV devices were gathered before and after double-blind needling at both true and sham acupuncture points. The study required two visits by each subject for needling at five different acupuncture points, one for true and one for sham needling. Indeed, the GDV instrument passed this test with flying colors and provided much useful adjunct information as well. Both of the MSA-21 and the GDV devices, as seen by the results of this study, can be used to conduct a comprehensive meridian stress assessment and to determine appropriate ways to achieve healthy energetic balance. The GDV instrument was able to distinguish authentic acupuncture needling from sham acupuncture needling. For healthy subjects, the GDV instrument detected a larger response to authentic needling compared to sham needling on the right side of the body relative to the left. This body asymmetry effect could be related to the direction of Qi-flow through the body and the relationship between the mental physical manifestation through the right and left hands.
The objective of the research by [Haydon 2005] was to detect any change in the human energy field of the body after the stimulation of Dr. Shealy’s Rings of Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Crystal. A control group of sham, non-acupuncture points was also administered. The acupuncture points were stimulated electrically using the SheLi Tens Stimulator. Dr. Shealy discovered and defined the naturally existing circuits with specific acupuncture points and named these circuits after the five basic elements of fire, air, water, earth, and crystal. Each ring is comprised of 12 to 13 points. Through his research Dr. Shealy has shown statistically significant results utilizing the acupuncture points in his rings [Shealy 2004]. 80 clinically healthy individuals, ranging from age 21 to 80 years of age were available for testing. 60 of the participants were in the age range of 45 to 65; however, there were a few subjects in the twenties, thirties, seventies, and eighties. 33 of the volunteers were male and 57 were female. Not all of the subjects completed the whole set of six tests. 61 participants completed the Ring of Fire and control test. 59 participants completed Ring of Water. 57 completed Ring of Earth. 56 completed the Ring of Air, and 55 participants completed the Ring of Crystal. Over 30 subjects completed the whole set of the five rings and a set of sham points.
Results of statistical analysis averaged on the group are presented in the Table.
Table. An overview of the data analysis in the paired t-test.

In the Ring of Fire, there was no statistically significant change (p<.05) with or without a filter in the readings before and after stimulation of the average value as shown in the paired t-test. However, detailed analysis of data shows that stimulation of this ring creates the most significant change when compared to all the other rings. This is due to the “balance point” being right in the middle of the sample, where half of the people went up in JS value and the other half went down, thus canceling any change on the average JS value. This concurs with Dr. Shealy’s research which indicates that the Ring of Fire is the most important ring, as it raises DHEA to a normal level in the body.
Participants in the study, across all conditions (i.e., pretest, posttest, control, all six rings, each hand, and each filter setting) demonstrated extraordinary consistency in their energy readings, with nearly all JS readings falling within the normal range (i.e., -0.6 to +1.0). Clearly, this data set, drawn as it was from very healthy persons, is characterized by the statistical condition known as ‘restriction of range.’ That is, there is so little variability in the range of energy readings that any significant changes from pre- to posttest, or any significant differences between left and right hands are essentially precluded.
However, high and low levels of energy mean different things for different individuals. Just like a headache has a multitude of meanings as a symptom, low or high energy in the body can mean many things. The energy field is constantly in motion and many readings over different times are needed to determine any consistency of the pattern for each individual.
While the initial approach focused on the change of the average JS value, the final analysis showed that the most significant effect for all rings except the Ring of Crystal was a movement of the reading toward what we have defined as a balance point. So on average, those who started out above this JS value were pulled down toward it, and those who started out below this value were pulled up toward it. For the Ring of Crystal all subjects were pulled up in JS value on average. All the other rings were stimulating the body for a specific chemical or hormone, whereas the Ring of Crystal was removing free radicals from the body. Therefore, the most significant result of this study was this movement toward homeostasis in the body for all rings, not just an overall increase or decrease in average value as was initially thought.
Author concludes as follows: “The GDV camera can be an excellent biofeedback tool. The volunteers revealed it in the interaction and responses. Everyone wanted copies of the testing and was anticipating the change in his before and after graphs. This suggests that, if one physically sees the feedback, he may be able to create a lifestyle that contributes to better mental and physical health. It might also enhance better health to see the change before and after such activities as hypnotherapy, exercise, or massage therapy”.
In the work [Lyapko et al 2006] 38 patients suffering from wound dystrophy of spinal cord, 27 men and 11 women, age from 19 to 52 years old, had treatment course at Burdenko Sanatorium in the City of Saki, Crimea. All patients were divided into two groups. The first group included 16 persons who had the course of standard treatment including electric stimulation and mud cure. The second group consisted of 22 patients who were given, additionally to standard treatment, the full course of 10 applications therapy using various metals multi-needle applicators developed by Doctor N. Lyapko. Analysis of patients with GDV technique demonstrated statistical difference of GDV indexes both averaged between groups, and for every patient in experimental group between initial and after treatment readings.
The results of investigation demonstrate that data dynamics in the both groups reflects the reaction development stages of organism to the course of treatment: initially the energy increase of blood circulation system was detected accompanied with the tendency to endocrine system (zone of epiphysis) activation. In next days the reaction of endocrine system and small bowels got of paramount importance. During the last group of GDV graphic study the reaction of backbone (sacral bone) was the mostly expressed one, as well as that of heart while it was not so expressed with kidneys. It worth mentioning that all changes were expressed with data picked up from the left hand fingers. Acupuncture Treatment.
Comparing the data between the groups we got reliable differences in the energy of small, ascending and end part of large bowels, as well as in the liver zone, lymphatic and endocrine systems, coronary blood vessels and spinal column. Besides, the differences between the right-side and left- side energy (unbalance) got reliable.