Water change Living System

Water change Living System


M.A.Andriyasheva, M.V.Damashkan, A.A.Tikhomirov, S.M.Prikhodko

Since water is the main element of every living thing representing the information system of all Existence,  research into the results of information  impact on the state of various biological systems while transmitting information via water may be of importance for the development of the vision concerning the role water plays in the living systems’ functioning.

Different types of information impact has been used in the study – verbal (via words), numerical codes equivalent to the verbal impact as well as multifunctional information programme (FEST, Russia-Israel). The following were studied as bio indicators: 1) eggs and fish larvae, 2) hybrid of rye and wheat (triticale), 3) human live blood, 4)  human body.

The first research into the purposeful change of the water structure under the information influence showed that water was able to obtain information both via the word and numbers and change the state of the bio system in accord with the information gained. It was found out at fish reproduction  that the usage of the water restructured via numeral codes to stimulate fertilization led to the 20-25% increase in the survival of trout embryo and larvae (Andriyasheva, 2015). Usage of the program (FEST) increased the survival of Char embryo by 23,8%. The water with different codes changed the bio isometrics of triticale sprouts having increased the productivity of this cereal culture by 18% (Maslobrod, Andriyasheva, 2016)/ Water with the definite code facilitated the 20% decrease and stabilization of the glucose level in the blood of the patient with diabetes-2. Usage of the program FEST generated the analogous result in the insulin dependent patient.

 The impact was made by means of contact and distant ways, which made it possible to find out the effect of non local connection (NCE) in the system “the photo of the object – the object itself” as well as in the study of the developing salmon eggs and at haemoscanning.

According to the GDV analysis, the information obtained by the water led to the harmonization of the work of the 26 organs of the person, the impact of different types of information (the prayer, the Epiphany water and water with codes for the  health correction) decreasing significantly the indicators of disbalance of the 9 systems of the human body.

Therefore, there has been experimentally discovered the phenomenon of water property changes under the influence of the information with the subsequent realization of this information by the living systems, physical property of water being changed.

Water change Living System

See also:

Distant influence Research

Water Research

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