整合光能(TRANSLIGHTERS)是由信息构建实验室生产的系统调笻器。它的研发基础是结构信息传递的原理,用于解决各种生态任务和增加不同系统间相互作用的有效性,不同的系统包括人,汽车,房屋,技术设备等。结构扭曲的消除和信息交流的改进能导致大部份人体系统的正常化,使人们能够作出正确的决定, 并增加他们对这変幻中的世界的适应力。关于整合光能技术的研讨会将由整合光能的原创者沙基。阿夫迪夫博士(Dr. Sergey Avdeev )主持。

Translighters – IUMAB and BLAGA Research and Production
Since 1998

Translighters technologies by Dr. Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov:
- Translighters Devices
- Translighters Games
- Translighters Digital
Translighters devices:
- Home appliance
- The Biointernet Equipment
- Personal development devices
About Translighterstechnologies
The foundation of TRANSLIGHTERS theory is the Theory of Physical Structures and Synergy of Informational Processes. The Theory of Physical Structures is developed by Russian scientist Yuri Kulakov. This theory presents absolutely new view to our reality as the presentation of other reality, the reality of physical structures.
We can see some analogy of it looking into children’s toy kaleidoscope where we can actually see mirrors and structures that are small pieces of multi-coloured glass as a system of complex representation. The structures themselves are constant, but they interact with each other, rotating and moving into different positions. Their interaction is reflected in mirrors creating fancy ornaments and pictures. The same happens in reality, where the majestic diversity of nature is created through interaction of structures that can not be observed, but they influence everything. We have studied the structural interactions for a long time, and have developed methods of making structures with some pre-set properties.
Our research shows that these methods have extremely good perspectives. In TRANSLIGHTERS there are no moving parts or any sources of energy, there are only representations of structures. But these devices work! We are surprised by ourselves with results that we’ve obtained. The devices look like pieces of plastic, which can be put into a bracelet, sleeping mask, clothes, etc. After some time they start helping their users to keep up Biointernet connections.